Workout on Electric Bike (Lose Weight and Maximize Fitness)
I decided to get my electric bike to lose weight and increase my fitness level. I wanted to have a good workout and get some exercise as I headed to work every day. But, before getting my electric bike, I used to wonder, “Can you lose weight with an electric bike?”
As a general rule, you can lose weight with an electric bike. It has been demonstrated and proven in multiple studies that riding an electric bike burns calories, leading to a substantial loss of body weight.
Some electric bikes are better than others for losing weight, exercising, and getting a good workout. However, you can also use specific strategies to maximize the amount of weight you lose on an e-bike and optimize your fitness level. In this article, we will dive into detail on a step-by-step plan you can follow to make your weight loss, fitness, and cardio goals a reality.
Can You Lose Weight With An Electric Bike?
It’s never been easier to lose weight while cycling. Furthermore, losing weight will not happen in just a day of riding your electric bike. Unfortunately, losing weight doesn’t work that way. Instead, you need to exercise and ride your electric bike regularly to experience any significant weight loss.
The good thing about using an e-bike is that it makes your cycling much more manageable with less effort when using pedal assistance. Not only does riding an electric bike help you lose weight, but it also aids in improving your core strength and cardiovascular health.
Because electric bikes are heavier and you still need to pedal, you get a great full-body workout. Electric bicycles also tend to be used more often than their traditional counterparts because you can cover longer distances faster. As a result, riders tend to incorporate electric bikes into running errands, and for basic transportation.
So, not only will you use an e-bike more frequently than a regular bike, but you will also exercise more frequently. This leads to burning more calories and subsequent weight loss.
On top of that, if you want to have significant weight loss, a cardiovascular workout is the best way to lose weight. That is why an e-bike is one of the best tools you can use today to get in shape.
It is best to follow the guidelines given to us by the Center of Disease Control. They recommend aiming to lose around 1-2 pounds per week. A slow and steady weight loss is most likely to be successful. To lose one pound a week, you would need to burn 3,500 calories.
Four Tips That Will Help You Lose Weight On An Electric Bike
- Ensure you’re on a proper diet to lose weight while riding an electric bike.
- Find a way of motivating yourself to use an electric bike.
- Be consistent with your e-bike cycling schedule.
- Make sure to have enough intensity when riding your e-bike.
One of the reasons an electric bike is so effective for weight loss is because it is a form of exercise that almost anyone can do. However, there are ways to optimize your weight loss potential.
Following these practices can maximize your fat loss.
Being On A Proper Diet Provides A Higher Chance For You To Lose Weight When Riding An Electric Bike
With any weight loss goal or training regimen comes a healthy diet. What you use to fuel your body doesn’t just affect how you physically perform throughout the day. It can also alter your psychological health.
You’ll have the energy to ride your electric bike regularly with a proper diet. With enough energy, you’ll be able to ride your electric bike longer and faster. Therefore, giving you a higher chance of burning more calories.
Keeping Up Your Motivation To Use Your Electric Bike Can Increase The Probability Of Losing Weight
Half of the battle in losing weight is making sure you use your electric bike. So, make sure you find a reason to use your e-bike. For example, you can use it to commute when going to work every day, doing groceries, or visiting a friend.
Better yet, convince your friend to get an electric bike of their own and go riding with them. Turn your weight loss session into a social event.
These are just examples of how you could ride your bike almost daily, even without a proper workout schedule.
Being Consistent With Your Schedule Of eBike Cycling Can Help You Lose Weight.
It is no secret that consistency is essential to achieving any goal. It is no different when it comes to losing weight while using an e-bike.
Yes, riding your bike for 5 minutes is better than not using it, but don’t cheat yourself out of your desired results.
If you are determined to lose weight, it is best to have a proper schedule of when you will go cycling. Riding an electric bike for at least an hour or more a day will lead to great results.
Depending on what time is best for you, you can opt to ride your e-bike early in the morning or in the afternoon. However, a morning ride is recommended to maximize the number of calories you burn. This is because you would have less sugar in your bloodstream in the morning, which would lead to your body using fat for fuel first.
High-Intensity Workouts With Your eBike Can Help You Lose Weight.
Just because an electric bike comes with a motor, battery, and pedaling assistance does not mean that you cannot have a high-intensity workout.
You can take the following steps to increase the intensity of your workout.
- Turn off the pedal-assist
- Take more challenging routes
- Ride on more demanding terrain
When you ride on more challenging routes, it requires more energy. In situations like this, you can burn more calories, resulting in significant weight loss.
Can You Still Get A Workout On An Electric Bike?
On average, you can still get a good workout on an electric bike. Though it may not be as strenuous, an e-bike can make riding more enjoyable. Thus, encouraging you to exercise by using the e-bike more often and for more extended periods. This results in better workouts overall.
With pedal-assist electric bikes, you can control the assistance level of the motor and the intensity of your e-bike ride. This pedal-assist feature gives you a low-impact workout, which is better for your knees, back, and hips.
So, if you worry about having leg cramps and back pain, cycling with an electric bike could be your solution.
Another great highlight of an e-bike is that anyone can use it. It is perfect for elderly riders and beginners. It would be best if you chose an e-bike suitable for your age and capacities in either case.

How Do You Get A Good Workout On An Electric Bike?
As a general rule, you can get a good workout if you don’t entirely rely on the electric bike’s motor. The quality of exercise that you can benefit from depends on how much assistance you use from your e-bike motor and how regularly you engage in your workouts.
Some electric bikes are equipped with a throttle which helps propel your electric bike without pedaling. If you use your e-bike throttle on your entire ride, then there’s no chance that you can get a good workout. That is because riding a throttle-assist electric bike is like riding a motorcycle or a scooter.
However, you can get a good workout if you use a pedal-assist electric bike. With pedal-assist, you don’t rely entirely on your e-bike motor.
However, there are different factors to consider that affect how much of a strenuous workout you achieve while using an electric bike. These factors include your electric assistance level, the distance you traveled, the number of days you cycle in a week, and the terrain’s difficulty.
A Lower Motor Assistance Level Can Give You A Better Workout Than A High Assistance Level
Having an electric bike gives you an option to adjust the assistance level that the e-bike motor provides.
If you choose a lower motor-assist level, you will need to pedal more intensely. Conversely, you don’t need to pedal with as much force if you select a higher motor assistance level.
Going for minimal motor assistance will give you a better workout. That is because there will be a lot of effort needed on your part.
Since the weight of an electric bike is greater than that of traditional pedal bikes, it is harder to maneuver without motor assistance.
On top of that, you can also opt to turn off your e-bike motor. In that case, you’ll be riding your e-bike like a standard bicycle with additional weight. You can burn a significant number of calories using this method.
Therefore, you can do a more strenuous workout when riding an e-bike than riding a regular bike if you turn the motor off.
Additionally, you are more likely to maintain your battery life and reach a higher range with this strategy. Therefore, giving you more time cycling.
However, suppose you think you need more assistance in climbing hills. In that case, you can adjust the motor assistance level higher.
Riding Your Electric Bike Long Distances Can Give You A Good Workout.
You can get a better workout if you ride your electric bike for long distances. This is because the longer you travel, the more calories you will burn.
However, if you’re a novice in cycling, it is best to start cycling for shorter routes. This is because you first have to test what your body is capable of.
Of course, most people are very eager to get fit. However, we never recommend going for a long-distance ride if you’re just starting. That is because your body may not tolerate it, resulting in you getting worn out.
Even if you take short rides, you can still elevate your heart and breathing rates and get an effective workout.
On top of that, if you take shorter rides frequently, you’ll be able to understand the range you are capable of. As a result, you can start taking longer routes in the next few weeks after understanding your capabilities.
Riding Your eBike Regularly Can Give You A Good Workout.
Riding your electric bike an hour a day can provide you with an effective workout. The average calories burned in an hour of riding an electric bike is 300-400 calories, depending on your effort.
However, suppose you want to burn more calories. In that case, you would have to increase the time you spend cycling, your distance traveled, and the amount of effort you put into your ride.
The number of calories you can burn depends entirely on you.
Riding An eBike in Difficult And Rough Terrains Can Provide a Better Workout
Riding your electric bike on rough terrain can help you build more leg muscle strength and power, especially if you ride on higher inclines.
However, if you’re a beginner rider, it is advisable to start with lower inclines.
To have the best workout from your e-bike, you have to plan your route, the motor assistance you want, the distance of your ride, and how frequently you will ride your electric bike.

Do You Burn Less Calories On An eBike?
As a whole, you burn fewer calories riding an eBike compared to riding a regular bike. However, the difference is not that significant. If you turn off your electric bike motor, you can burn as many calories on an e-bike as riding on a standard bike.
Suppose you are riding an electric bike and a regular bike on the same route and for a similar distance. If the motor is turned on, you will burn fewer calories on an e-bike.
However, since riding an e-bike will exhaust you less, you can ride your e-bike for a more extended amount of time. Consequently, an e-bike may end up burning as many calories as riding a regular bike or more over time.
With an electric bike, you can burn a significant number of calories while saving yourself from leg cramps and exhaustion.
How Many Calories Do You Burn Riding An eBike?
On average, you can burn as much as 300 calories an hour riding an eBike with pedal assist. So if you are riding your e-bike for an hour, five days a week, you could burn up to 1500 calories.
Several studies have concluded that you can burn around 300-400 per hour on an electric bike. However, that number can still be higher or lower, depending on the level of pedaling assist, duration, and type of route (smooth road or hills).
Suppose you would like to calculate how many calories you have burned using your electric bike. You would need to use your weight, the calories you burned per minute, and the MET value of the activity.
The MET value for electric bike riding is 2.8
It would look something like this:
11.48 x (your body weight in kilograms) / 200 = calories burned per minute.
(Equation to caculate calories burned per minute)
All you would need to do is enter your body weight in kilograms in the equation above.
For example, if you weighed 220 pounds (100 Kg), you would burn 5.74 Calories per minute riding on an eBike.
11.48 x 100/200= 5.74
There is no question that you can get a more intense workout using a traditional bike. However, that is not to say you cannot get a good quality workout on an e-bike.
Using an electric bike encourages more usage for a more extended period and distance. As a result, you could burn considerably more calories, resulting in increased muscle strength and weight loss.
Because the weight of an electric bike is greater than that of a traditional bike, you will use most of your core muscles to balance and operate the electric bike. This means that not only are you getting a cardiovascular workout but some light strength training as well.
Calories Burned: eBike Vs. Bike
Type of Bike | Time Spent | Number of Calories Burnt |
Traditional Bike | 1 hour | 400+ Calories |
eBike | 1 hour | 300 to 400 Calories |
Suppose you are riding an e-bike and a traditional bike at the same speed and distance.
You can burn an average of 300-400 calories an hour riding an electric bike. On the other hand, you can burn 400 or more calories when riding a regular bike.
The difference between the calories burned with each ride isn’t significant. However, the good thing about riding an e-bike is that you will feel less tired than riding a traditional bike.
Whether you are using an e-bike or a regular bike, you can still burn a significant amount of calories, depending on your speed, distance, and effort in pedaling.
The faster you go, and the longer you ride, the more calories you burn. Additionally, the more intense the terrain is, the more energy you will need to expend.
“I have always struggled to achieve excellence. One thing that cycling has taught me is that if you can achieve something without a struggle, it’s not going to be satisfying.”
—Greg Lemond
Are Electric Bikes Good For Exercise?
As a general rule, riding an electric bike is good for exercise. In addition, riding an e-bike encourages a longer workout because you experience a more pleasant workout. Therefore, electric bike riders are more likely to exercise and have longer workout sessions than regular cyclists.
Some people purchase an electric bike to get a workout and ensure they get enough time outdoors. But as soon as you hear the word electric, you may think that no effort is really needed on your part.
However, that is not the case with an electric bike. An electric bike can provide you with the same or even more exercise benefits when compared to a regular pedal bike.
The Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives journal created a study about the physical activity of e-bike users compared to regular bike users. At the end of the study, the results showed that electric bike riders spent more time on their bikes than regular cyclists.
This study has proven that you can probably get more exercise when riding an e-bike than riding a regular bike. This is because using an electric bike will help you go from one point to the next quickly and with more enjoyment.
As a result, you tend to use your e-bike more often and to travel to more places. Using your e-bike more leads to an increase in the overall time you spend exercising and an increase in the frequency of your workouts.
Increasing the quantity of time and the number of times a week you spend exercising is the best possible action you can take for your exercise regimen. Riding an electric bike can give you a great and hassle-free workout.
You can have a great workout using an electric bike without overly tiring yourself.
If you are looking for an e-bike that you can conveniently buy on Amazon, check out this VIVI Electric Bike. It has a load capacity of 330 pounds, has a nominal motor power of 350 Watts, and has a range of up to 50 miles, making it sufficient for a daily workout. Best of all, it won’t break the bank.
What is Best Electric Bike For Exercise?
Specialized S-works Turbo Creo SL EVO is the best electric bike for exercise. This e-bike can travel up to 80 miles of distance while utilizing an electric-assist of up to 28 mph. In addition, it is very lightweight, making it incredible for exercise, cycling, and trekking.
Brand | Model | Battery | Range | Weight | Max Speed |
Specialized | S-Works Turbo Creo SL EVO | 320 Wh(internal) 60 Wh(battery extender) | 80 miles (128.75 km) | 26.2 lbs (11.88 kg) | 28 mph (45 kph) |
Scoot | Addict eRide Premium | 252 Wh(internal) 208 Wh (battery extender) | 74.5 miles (120 km) | 24 lbs(10.9 kg) w/out battery extender 25.79 lbs (11.7 kg) w/ battery extender | 20 mph (32 kph) |
Trek | Domane + LT | 250 Wh | 65 miles (104.6 km) | 32.3 lbs (14.7 kg) | 20 mph (32 kph) |
Coboc | E Cycle F1 | 352 Wh | 43.5-62.1 miles (70-100 km) | 23.81 lbs (10.8 kg) | — |
Trek | E-Caliber 9.9 XX1 AXS | 250 Wh | 18.64-49.71 miles (30-80 km) | 34.7 lbs (15.74 kg) | 20 mph (32 kph) |
You might want to consider two factors in choosing the best e-bike for exercise and cycling. First, you will want to consider the mileage capabilities of your battery and the e-bike’s overall weight. We have a full article on how long electric bike batteries last that you can access here.
Of course, the further your electric bike can travel, the longer the amount of time you will have available to exercise. Therefore, increasing the amount of time you spend on your e-bike will maximize the amount of time you spend burning calories.
In addition, studies have shown that individuals who use electric bikes tend to travel further. They travel further because they don’t have to pace themselves to return home, as they can rely on the e-bike’s battery power to bring them home.
As a result, they don’t have to be afraid of “burning themselves out” and not having enough energy to get back home. This allows you to “go all out,” knowing that you will still make it to your end destination even if you have to depend on the e-bike’s motor to do so.
If we score the list above based on the ranking of their weight and range, we have:
Bike | Range (rank) | Weight (rank) | Average Rank |
S-Works Turbo Creo SL EVO | 1 | 3 | 2 |
Addict eRide Premium | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Domane + LT | 3 | 4 | 3.5 |
E Cycle F1 | 4 | 1 | 2.5 |
E-Caliber 9.9 XX1 AXS | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Based on the table above, there is a tie between S-Works Turbo Creo SL EVO and Addict eRide Premium.
First, let’s look into their weight difference. Addict eRide Premium weighs 0.41 pounds less than S-Works Turbo Creo SL EVO. The 0.41 pounds weight difference is not that much compared to the 8.75 kilometers of additional range that S-Works Turbo Creo SL EVO is capable of.
As a result, we consider S-Works Turbo Creo SL EVO the best among the e-bikes listed in this article.
Specialized S-Works Turbo Creo SL Evo
S-Works Turbo Creo SL EVO is a lightweight class 3 electric bike that weighs around 26.2 pounds. It is equipped with a 320 Wh internal battery and 160 Wh range extender. In total, 480 Wh can help you reach an average range of 80 miles.
With this electric bike, you are more likely to ride naturally without stressing your legs too much due to pedaling. Therefore, it enables you to ride longer distances, which allows you to burn more calories.
Scott Addict eRide Premium
Addict eRide Premium is one of the lightest electric bikes. The electric bike alone weighs around 24 pounds. However, this e-bike is about 25.79 pounds with a motor and battery.
Addict eRide Premium is equipped with a 252 Wh internal battery and 208 Wh battery extender. With these batteries, this electric bike allows you to reach an average distance of 74.5 miles. In addition, if you take advantage of these batteries ‘ capabilities, you can burn a significant amount of calories.
This electric bike provides a comfortable boost for riders when climbing inclined roadways.
Coboc E Cycle F1
E Cycle F1 is an electric bike with components made from carbon composite materials resulting in a very light overall weight of 23.81 pounds. In addition, this e-bike is equipped with a 352 Wh battery that could last up to 62.1 miles.
Since this electric bike is very lightweight, it is easier to pedal even if you choose a lower motor assistance level. Consequently, it gives you a natural riding feeling with less exhaustion.
Trek Domane + LT
Domane + LT is an e-bike that weighs around 32.3 pounds with an e-bike frame made from carbon fiber materials. This electric bike has a 250 Wh battery that enables you to reach a distance of up to 65 miles. Additionally, this e-bike has an efficient electric drive system. Hence, it gives you a smooth and comfortable ride. No exhaustion, more time to ride, more calories will burn.
Trek E-Caliber 9.9 XX1 AXS
E-Caliber 9.9 XX1 AXS is one of the best electric bikes for exercise. It only weighs around 34.7 pounds with a battery capacity of 250 Wh. This battery capacity can help you reach up to 49.71 miles of distance. This electric bike has incredible features that provide a fantastic cycling experience.
These electric bikes are just some of our top picks. But, of course, you can always select the e-bike that you think is the best for you.
Any electric bike is good if you’re using it to run around town. As long as your e-bike has pedal-assist and is strong enough to handle your weight, it’s good to use.
If you are looking for the best electric bike brands, check out our article, “Best Electric Bike Brands (Ranked By Budget Level and Style).
Are Electric Bikes Good For Cardio?
As a general rule, electric bikes are good for cardio. E-bikes are the perfect tool to improve your cardiovascular health, as any exercise that raises your heart rate for an extended period regardless of intensity is a cardio workout.
If you think that the assist pedal feature would not be conducive to a great cardio session, you will be surprised! A cardio workout or aerobic workout is crucial to improving the function of your lungs, heart, and circulatory system. Consistently working on your cardiovascular health can reduce blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve breathing.
To have an effective cardio workout using your electric bike, you have to start slowly.
When warmed up, have little intermittent bursts of intense pedaling followed by a smooth, calm ride. This interval workout will elevate your heart rate.
Another way to get a great cardio workout is to cycle regularly. For example, 30-minute cycling sessions with your e-bike can make a tremendous difference in your body’s metabolism.
If you want to go cycling for more than 30 minutes, that is fine as well. However, you have to pay attention to how much riding your body can take. Though cycling is good, you wouldn’t want to put your health at risk.
How Good Are Electric Bikes For Fitness?
As a whole, riding an electric bike is an excellent way of staying fit. An electric bike can help you burn calories, improve your aerobic function, lose weight, and stay in good shape.
Electric bikes can improve your fitness because it is a low-impact fitness activity that you can engage with on a regular ongoing basis.
Though many still view an electric bicycle as a cheating approach to cycling, many have come to realize the benefits of making the switch. Different studies have mentioned that an electric bike performs just as well as a regular bicycle in improving your fitness.
You are encouraged and motivated to try new routes or go over a hill that you would otherwise avoid with an electric bike. Aside from that, an e-bike could also encourage you to ride more often.
Riding your e-bike more often can help you stay fit and lose weight.

Is Using An Electric Bike Cheating On Your Workout?
As a whole, using an electric bike on your workout is not considered cheating. With an e-bike, you can still get as much exercise as riding on a regular bicycle. You also have an option not to use the e-bike motor if you don’t want to. This will make your workout even more difficult.
A common misconception about electric bikes is that their motors and batteries do most of the work, making it seem like you are cheating yourself out of a workout. However, this is simply not the case.
Yes, electric bikes have motors and batteries. However, on most e-bikes, these motors and batteries will only help you if you provide enough force pedaling. Therefore, an effort is still needed on your part. As long as your e-bike is pedal-assisted, you still need to use your muscles for your rides.
On top of that, suppose you turn your motor off or run out of battery. In that case, your electric bike needs the same amount of effort as riding a conventional bike or even more significant exertion since electric bikes are heavier.
What Muscles Does An Electric Bike Work?
As a whole, an e-bike works the legs, glutes, abdominal muscles, and arms. The leg muscles include the quadriceps and gastrocnemius. At the same time, the glutes are composed of the gluteus maximus, gluteus minor, and gluteus medius. Arm muscles worked include the deltoids, triceps brachii, and biceps brachii.
Leg Muscles
The primary muscle group that is targeted by cycling is the leg muscles. This is because they are the muscles you use to power your e-bike while you are pedaling. This means that you work your hamstring, quadriceps, and calves with every stride.
Your glutes also play a significant role when using your electric bike. This is because they help control or guide your hips and legs every time you pedal. When you ride while standing, you target this muscle group specifically.
Let’s talk about your arms and their role while riding an electric bike. Though their role is minor, you still use your arms to support and balance your upper body while cycling. This means you are constantly targeting your biceps (located in the front part of your upper arm) and your triceps (located along the back of your upper arm).
The more arduous the terrain is, the more you work your arm muscles. When riding in rough terrain, you will constantly use your arms to control the e-bike. This added pressure will strengthen and tone your deltoids, triceps brachii, and biceps brachii.
Your core is comprised of your abdominal muscles and back muscles.
Think of it this way: your abdominal muscles are engaged every time you are up-right. Therefore, to ensure you are balanced while upright, your body’s core steps in and keeps you steady.
Your abdominal muscles are made up of the following.
- Rectus abdominis,
- Transversus abdominis,
- External obliques
- Internal obliques

Do You Sweat On An Electric Bike?
As a whole, you still sweat while riding on an electric bike. However, you will not sweat as much on an e-bike as you would on a regular bicycle in most cases.
This is because electric bikes use their motor to help propel you along. As a result, the force you need to exert to move the e-bike ahead is less. Since you are exerting less power, your body will generate less heat, and you will, therefore, sweat less.
In a study conducted by Sports Science Agency, six riders between the ages of 24 and 36 rode for 30 minutes within a heat chamber set at 82.4F (28C). All of the riders used electric bikes and traditional bikes.
The results showed that those riding electric bikes produced 350ml less sweat than the riders on traditional bikes. Furthermore, the riders on traditional bicycles sweated three times more than riders on an electric bike.
The results of this study show that you probably won’t have to worry much about sweating and messing up your clothes with an electric bike.
Are Electric Bicycles Better Than Traditional Bicycles In Working Out?
As a whole, working out with an electric bike is better than working out with an ordinary bicycle. Though traditional bikes require more physical exertion than electric bikes, the difference in intensity is not significant.
It is important to note that regular bicycles may allow for a higher intensity cardio workout when compared to an electric bike. However, electric bikes are better options for those new to working out or those who are not inclined to do an intensive cardio workout.
Traditional bike cycling burns 400-500 calories per hour while riding an e-bike burns only 100 calories less at 300-400 calories per hour. So the difference is not that significant.
Even though riding a traditional bicycle burns more calories, electric bikes are still better for workouts. You can burn just as many calories with electric bikes if you adjust your motor assistance level and workout style.
If you want to know more tips on riding an e-bike for exercise, check this video about 5 electric biking tips to get REAL exercise & have fun!
What Are The Benefits Of An Electric Bike?
The benefits of an electric bike are:
- Improved physical and psychological health.
- A faster and easier mode of transportation.
- A cheaper alternative to cars.
The most important benefit of riding an electric bike is improving your mental and physical health.
You get fresh air and exercise when riding your electric bike, the ultimate combination for an improved mental and physical fitness level.
Aside from that, using an electric bike will help you move through traffic. Not only will it be a faster transportation option when compared to a car, but it is also better for the environment. E-bikes help diminish gas emissions and air pollution.
If you want to learn more about the benefits of owning electric bikes, check out this article we published about the advantages of owning an electric bike.